
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Bewitched Part - 8
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
The Eschatology of Dispensationalism was always going to be the logical outcome of a performance based Theology i.e. self-righteousness. The doctrine of self-righteousness was the seed of the serpent in the garden of Eden, and was assimilated into the pure message of the Gospel. As long as Christians, and people in general proclaim that we are living in the last days, expecting a one world order by a totalitarian regime, then our words are assisting satan's agenda. However, if we proclaim that satan has no right to operate in this planet, and that the Kingdom of God and of His Christ, and our Lord is here (in the spiritual realm) evil will continue to be subdued and driven back, and we will see the greatest move of God this planet has ever seen.

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Words Vibrate Energy - Part 6
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Words like, Energy, Vibration, Qi, Prana, Electro Magnetic Fields, why do they alarm Christians? It's because of the association with New Age and Occult teachings. However, these words are the way we have to codify these concepts. Fact is the research on Macro and Micro cosmic energy are the subject of major modern sciences. We can learn a lot from resources in the New Age circles, but first be established in the Gospel Truth and only accept those things that harmonise with scripture.

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Words Vibrate Energy - Part 5
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
When we visualise and connect emotion to our words and speak our beliefs, we load the universal cosmic electro-magnetic energy fields, in us and around us. When we speak words we are not releasing letters, but sounds. These sounds are vibrations of energy and will load the cosmic energies in us and around us. Energy vibrations will eventually manifest in the physical realm. In this crucial time we must make sure that we speak, life, health and Gospel truth. Adding the spiritual dynamic of God's Word will introduce Holy Spirit Power to the energy plane. This is how we cause energy fields, loaded with evil, to collapse and truth to prevail in our world and people everywhere to be set free from unconscious deception. Disclaimer: I am not suggesting people should do any form of energy work, such as Qi-Gong, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, TFT, EFT, Meditation or anything like that. If people are interested in things like that, it is between them, their own conscience and God and they should seek guidance from a trained professional, which I am not. For more information: http://www.reformationgospel.com

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Words Vibrate Energy - Part 4
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
When we visualise and connect emotion to our words and speak our beliefs, we load the universal cosmic electro-magnetic energy fields, in us and around us. When we speak words we are not releasing letters, but sounds. These sounds are vibrations of energy and will load the cosmic energies in us and around us. Energy vibrations will eventually manifest in the physical realm. In this crucial time we must make sure that we speak, life, health and Gospel truth. Adding the spiritual dynamic of God's Word will introduce Holy Spirit Power to the energy plane. This is how we cause energy fields, loaded with evil, to collapse and truth to prevail in our world and people everywhere to be set free from unconscious deception. Disclaimer: I am not suggesting people should do any form of energy work, such as Qi-Gong, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, TFT, EFT, Meditation or anything like that. If people are interested in things like that, it is between them, their own conscience and God and they should seek guidance from a trained professional, which I am not. For more information: http://www.reformationgospel.com

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Words Vibrate Energy - Part 3
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
When we visualise and connect emotion to our words and speak our beliefs, we load the universal cosmic electro-magnetic energy fields, in us and around us. When we speak words we are not releasing letters, but sounds. These sounds are vibrations of energy and will load the cosmic energies in us and around us. Energy vibrations will eventually manifest in the physical realm. In this crucial time we must make sure that we speak, life, health and Gospel truth. Adding the spiritual dynamic of God's Word will introduce Holy Spirit Power to the energy plane. This is how we cause energy fields, loaded with evil, to collapse and truth to prevail in our world and people everywhere to be set free from unconscious deception. Disclaimer: I am not suggesting people should do any form of energy work, such as Qi-Gong, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, TFT, EFT, Meditation or anything like that. If people are interested in things like that, it is between them, their own conscience and God and they should seek guidance from a trained professional, which I am not. For more information: http://www.reformationgospel.com

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Words Vibrate Energy - Part 2
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
When we visualise and connect emotion to our words and speak our beliefs, we load the universal cosmic electro-magnetic energy fields, in us and around us. When we speak words we are not releasing letters, but sounds. These sounds are vibrations of energy and will load the cosmic energies in us and around us. Energy vibrations will eventually manifest in the physical realm. In this crucial time we must make sure that we speak, life, health and Gospel truth. Adding the spiritual dynamic of God's Word will introduce Holy Spirit Power to the energy plane. This is how we cause energy fields, loaded with evil, to collapse and truth to prevail in our world and people everywhere to be set free from unconscious deception. Disclaimer: I am not suggesting people should do any form of energy work, such as Qi-Gong, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, TFT, EFT, Meditation or anything like that. If people are interested in things like that, it is between them, their own conscience and God and they should seek guidance from a trained professional, which I am not. For more information: http://www.reformationgospel.com

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Words Vibrate Energy - Part 1
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
When we visualise and connect emotion to our words and speak our beliefs, we load the universal cosmic electro-magnetic energy fields, in us and around us. When we speak words we are not releasing letters, but sounds. These sounds are vibrations of energy and will load the cosmic energies in us and around us. Energy vibrations will eventually manifest in the physical realm. In this crucial time we must make sure that we speak, life, health and Gospel truth. Adding the spiritual dynamic of God's Word will introduce Holy Spirit Power to the energy plane. This is how we cause energy fields, loaded with evil, to collapse and truth to prevail in our world and people everywhere to be set free from unconscious deception. Disclaimer: I am not suggesting people should do any form of energy work, such as Qi-Gong, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, TFT, EFT, Meditation or anything like that. If people are interested in things like that, it is between them, their own conscience and God and they should seek guidance from a trained professional, which I am not. For more information: http://www.reformationgospel.com

Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Tithing not for Today - Part 2
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
What I should have also emphasised here is that it is equally the Minister/Preachers' responsibility to refrain themselves from putting pressure on people to give, and to trust God to provide for them and their Ministry. If God called them to do this work, He will also provide. For more information: http://www.reformationgospel.com

Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Tithing not for Today - Part 1
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Oh what a drama, when preachers and ministers still preach the tithe. If they claim they truly study scripture and believe we live under the administration of the New Covenant, then how come they insist that the Tithe, which was important under the Law of Moses, and btw mostly referred to the "first" of a flock and "first-fruits" of produce, not necessarily or always money, then there is either a question of a lack of knowledge or integrity. So much damage has been done with the teaching of the Tithe. The believers who have already come out of rigid religious environments into a better understanding the Gospel, still need to shed this erroneous doctrine on Tithing. With regards to supporting a Ministry, there should be no obligation, but an opportunity for responsible giving, as an expression of faith motivated by love. For more information: http://www.reformationgospel.com

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Binding and Loosing - Part 2 - Cast Out
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Did you know the devil is Not the Prince of the Power of the Air, or the god of this world anymore? Not since Jesus came and fully established the New Covenant. All the devil is now is a rebellious spirit looking for an opportunity to deceive.